Andre + Associates Services

Clear and Simple CashFlow Management


Our cash flow management services will help you conquer cash worry once and for all. We will help you identify your cash needs, with a solid understanding of when and how they will occur, as well as show you how to build good relationships with banks and creditors so that you have resources available to you when that crash crunch occurs.

Our cash management services will benefit you by

  • helping you develop a cash flow projection. We can show you how to manage daily cash through short-term (weekly, monthly) cash flow projections, as well as how to develop the necessary capital to manage your long-term (annual, 3-5 year) needs.
  • developing historical cash flow projections so that you can see exactly where your cash has gone, learning where you can better utilize your cash for future action.
  • helping your business through the development of accelerated collection techniques.
  • tips for receiving the maximum rate of return on any idle cash.

Let us help guide you through the challenges of financial services!

Call us at 972-548-1040 or click the button below to email us.